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Saturday, February 28, 2009

Rihanna and Chris Brown Back Together

Are u kidding me??????? This is ridiculous...Well after someone made me as his punching back i would definitely walk away away away and away.....This news has really annoyed me....

Just a few days ago I read somewhere saying that her parents hope she move on from you know who(Chris-Beater-Brown)....How did they take this "wonderful" news???

Well forgiving him is totally ok but accepting him back????? How can u love someone that had hurt u like that.....unthinkable....

Of course it is up to Riri...It is her life...her body.....her call

Maybe what lead Riri to accepting him back is because she's pregnant.....

Or that Chris Brown was not the only one to blame for the whole thing....But still being abusive is not acceptable...

she make it looks like Chris is not wrong at all for doing what he did....

For Chris, why he would want to get back together with her is obviously to reclaim his fame and career that had gone down the drain due to it...Duuuuuh......

Or it could be just L.O.V.E. (yeah right)

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