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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

God Exist

Have you ever asked yourself whether god really exist?

Well it is a good question. The answer is an obvious Yes.

How do I know?

All you have to do is to look around you and ask yourself who is powerful enough to be able to build the earth and its content. And not only that, how about the other planets.

Everything is so perfectly in order with air containing oxygen to breath, water that can be drink as well sun for plants to grow and light.

Obviously it is not us that build the whole wide world, it is not man made. We can't even protect and preserve it properly for the future generations.

Believing in god and it existence will a be start to believe in what God guide us to do.

If you ever felt in doubt, no matter what your religion are, all you have to do is to pray hard so that you will be given the guidance and the correct path.

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