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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Salt Pepper Garlic

In case you guys don't know....




Believe it or not.

The three above foods are also use by us to help repel or avoid unwanted "creature" (ghost or devils).

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Bali bombers....A sad story

Such a nice serene place to be. Yet...........

Why do I think that it is a sad story?

Well obviously not because they died. But the fact that people grieve over them and pity them for being punished for what they did. Well of course I do have some compassion for them as a fellow human being but I do not think that what they did is correct.

From what I know, Islam does not permit killing. Even in war, Islam have provide us with a proper guidance. For example, we should not attack anyone that do not wish to make war with us. To respect the elderly, women and children in war.

I'm even worried when I saw that due to this incident, they are more determine to continue what those fellow died fighting for.Please stop. Follow what Islamic teaching really teaches us.

Islam brings peace and not war.

Please realize that you will only tarnish the name of Islam by saying that you did this because of your religion. While you don't even know what your religion preached on those matters (not saying that I'm an expert but I do know that it is a wrong and unislamic thing to do).

So I hope and pray that they will come to their senses and do the correct thing.

And for the non-Muslim, please do not take their doing as a picture of what Islam is all about.

Islam is a beautiful religion. It is the people who claim to be the follower(not all, of course) that's making the religion ugly by not following what it teaches.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

why no beer, wine or any alcoholic drinks

Well this is due to the effects from consuming the drinks that we are prohibited to drink it....

First, is that it will make us drunk. And drunk people do a lot of regrettable things like below:
  • It can cause danger to others(drunk drivers),
  • can make we do wrong and irrational thing (like ops we have a baby, huhu),
  • can make you commit crime while being drunk
  • make you vulnerable and expose to danger from other people
Second, it will lead to addiction that will only troubled you more.

Third, it can lead to liver damage and other disease due to over consumption.

Fourth, it will make you aged faster.

And a lot other damages you can see going around us these days.

Well of course some will claim that it does have some benefit but since the benefit outweigh the harm, it is better be safe than sorry. Furthermore there are other things in this world that can give you benefits without harming you.

This is some sort of self control you should have in yourself to be healthier and better.

Allah s.w.t. knows a lot more than us did so when Allah s.w.t asked us to do something, it is obviously for our good. Since Allah s.w.t. knows more than we do and loves us all more than we can love ourselves.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Pig, pork, bacon....

Why do we muslim cannot eat anything originating from pig?

Well from my knowledge, the animal are considered a very unhygienic creature because it eats almost everything and because of that in its body contains massive amount of bacterias and other unclean and unhealthy microorganism(like worm) harmful to us.

Another reason is because the fact that all the harmful bacterias and microorganism will not be dead even if the meat is cooked. So if you thing that eating it cooked is safe rather than eating it raw, you are wrong.

When something gives you more harms than benefit(only keep your stomach full), it is best to not consume it.

So who says that Islamic teaching does not have any logical or scientific reasoning.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Care for Halal...

what is halal?????

Halal does not only concern food like pork free and alcohol free. It involves other areas and issues such as the process of making the food from where you get the material to where you serve it.

It is really important to make sure that we consume only halal food because what we eat will determine what we are. Eating halal food means that we eat clean, healthy and safe food for our body.
For instance, halal way emphasis heavily on slaughtering the animal the correct way to minimize the pain and suffering of the animal slaughtered. This is done out of respect for the living animal.
It also will make sure that all the blood from the animal will flow out when slaughtered to ensure the animal is clean and safe to consume. It is not allowable to consume animal that have not been slaughtered properly because the blood remaining in the animal is not clean to be consume.

So what is Halal(this is taken from an article):
All other things except:
  • swine/pork and its by-products
  • animals improperly slaughtered or dead before slaughtering
  • animals not slaughtered in the name of Allah
  • Alcohol and all forms of intoxicating and hazardous drinks
  • Carnivorous animals, birds of prey and land animals without external ears
  • pests
  • Animals forbidden to be killed in Islam
  • Animals considered repulsive
  • Animals that live on both land and water
  • Blood and its by-product
  • food that contain any of the above product
  • Any biotech animals/plants from pig or dog
  • Plants and products that is poisonous, dangerous to health and faece
In conclusion, regardless whether you are a muslim or not, you should be an enlightened consumers and opt for a halal food instead because of the benefits.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Men can marry more than one?????

Islam is about rights. Allah Almighty has the Right to be worshiped alone without any partners as He is the One and only God there is.

The prophets all have the right to be followed by the true believers. After Allah and His prophets, the one having the very most rights, according to Islam is the mother, and then the father.

But children also have rights in Islam. When a man dies his wealth is left to his family. How could the court know who to give the wealth of a man, if he was one of several husbands to a woman?

How would a child know who his father was? No society ever supported the concept of a woman being married to two or more men at the same time.

Almost every society supported the concept of a man having more than one woman. Islam came to set things straight.

Women were given rights. Men were strictly ordered to treat their women with the very best of treatment.

First of all, the men had to divorce their wives, if they had more than four. So this was not an order to go out and get four wives.

It was an order to begin limitations. And the first limitation was; No more than four. Second, consider the limitation of equal treatment for all of them.

How could a man keep more than one wife unless he was exceedingly wealthy and/or exceedingly strong and virile?

Next, the limitation very clearly states; ".. but if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly (with them) then only one ..."

Step by step, the men of Islam have come to be known today as the most monogamous of all men on earth. (we only have one wife)

P.S.: When you really want to see the truth, pray to god then you will see it...

Friday, April 24, 2009

Men and women in Islam

Man Supports And Protects Women

Do you understand that one must take on the role of supporter, protector, provider, custodian and servant to the family (man's role)?

Woman Gives Birth - Raises Children

One must take on the role of carrying the child and delivering it and then feeding it and raising it to become a true servant of Allah (woman's role).

Not Equal - But Treated Fairly In Justice

Men and women are not the same nor are they "equal" as some folks would have us believe. Whatever is on one side of an 'equals' sign must be exactly the same as what is on the other side without any difference in value, only in the way that it is expressed. How then could we say that a man, who is unable to conceive or give birth and then breast feed a baby is the equal to a woman who can?

Women Keep Their Identity - And Their Names

Additionally, Islam protected women's rights to keep their identity and they were not considered property of some man. As such, they were no longer forced to change their last names to be that of their husbands. This is still the practice of Muslim women today just as it was fourteen hundred years ago.

Women Keep Their Property And Earnings - Men Must Share

Yet, at the same time the western society is so concerned about the way Islam demands that a couple be married, the man actually must work instead of the woman; the woman owns her own property without giving anything for the support of the house or the child; a child has the right to his or her own mother raising them instead of a baby sitter or day care; father must support his children; divorce is hated; and marriage is sanctified.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Islam and Science

Did you know that whatever said in the Quran, you can back it up with Science.
Since people nowadays a bit reluctant to believe in religion because most of it just claim that their god create the universe but with no prove.

Now for all of u none believer, pick up a Quran and read it. Then you will know that it is a complete religion where every issue is covered, suitable for anytime, anywhere and regardless of who you are.

It is the only religion that is logical and in line with what science prove.

Know the real Islam.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Include your religion in your decision making

Well this is how i will based my decision upon....
It might suits you too....

You can decide by asking yourself which consequences you want:

1. Be happy in this world yet sad in the afterlife(you have to believe in it)
2. Be sad in this world and sad in the afterlife
3. Be happy in this world and happy in the afterlife.

P.S.: If sometimes you feel sad or having difficulties in life you should be strong and believe that Allah is communicating to you and testing you to reward you an even greater reward you can imagine. What you should do is just face it patiently.

P.P.S.: Happy spiritually will bring you a peace in mind.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Life in the world is not permanent......

Guys we only spend a short span of our life in this world.

while the rest which is a very long one in the afterlife.Afterlife????Yes they is life after this world. You got to believe it, otherwise it just won't make any sense to live at all.

Imagine that all the goods u did in this world will be left unrewarded and all the bads u and other people did left unpunished.....
Now where is the logic in that?????none....

So if everyone believe in the afterlife, i bet that each and everyone of us will be behaving in the very best manner we should so that it will benefit everyone and not leaving anyone to suffer as a consequences of our bad behaviour.

So in the end we should practice what our religion told us to do which is>>>>to do good, pray a lot and other religious activities as if you are going to die tomorrow while at the same time work hard and gather a lot of wealth as if you are going to live for another thousand years.

Have a balance life between now and the afterlife.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Greatness of honey and dates for health....

I have made it my mission to finish reading the Quran translation and to share it.
But I'm gettin a little bit(well a lot actually) off my schedule, mainly due to my coming exam and countless hours spent on sleep.

Well I want to share with you guyz on the things I read from the Quran......
The benefits of honey and dates.

To gain from the benefits for your health you can try this.
>>drink a glass of water and a spoon of honey mix together early in the morning before eating anything. This should be done at least once a month to maintain a good health. It is said that if practice it will give you 1000 type of cure for sickness

>>eat at least 7 dates a day also for your health

So hurry up try it!!!!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

why do i wear head scarf while some muslim girls don't???

erm do you know that it is a very common question posed to us muslim ladies that wears head scarf?

well most of them ask the question because they saw that other muslim ladies did not wear one....
so how was my reaction????

the first time i was asked i couldn't really know what to answer....
its not that i dont have any respond in my head but i just couldnt figure out which one....
you know i dont wanna give the wrong impression or anything....

well nothing to complicated about it actually....

I believe that every religion have at least one rule that they have to follow...right???
come on, even a school have its own now not all of them follow it right???
and they all have their reasons not to follow it....

so even if they didn't wear the head scarf it doesn't make them a bad person or the other to be the better one.

its a must for us ladies that have reach a certain age or I might say puberty to cover certain parts of their body, including their hair...the head scarf is actually to cover our hair and our front part of body...the breast as well....

so it is not that i don't have hair or hiding things from people that i wear a head scarf but instead it is actually acting as a control medium for remind me that I'm a muslim and to act accordingly.

the benefits is a lot more than that of course. women are a beautiful being i must say and hair make us even prettier. so i choose to flaunt my beauty to my only rightful other and not for other man to enjoy.....

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Understanding the Quran...

Have u read the meaning/translation of the quran???

Well I'm just starting and I found it to be very fascinating and interesting.
Since i don't understand Arabic (must learn Arabic-a note to myself), I have to read the translation to understand what it says.

Erm make sure you have the correct approved translation before choosing one for yourselves. And make sure that you have somebody knowledgeable to turn to in case you don't understand anything.

Anyway understanding the quran really help you understand your religion and clear things out. And really help if anyone ask about your religion.

P.S.: So would like to share what you read?

P.P.S: I will share the thing that I found in the quran in my next scribble.

Friday, April 17, 2009

When is it allowed

Islam has emphasized that taking advantage of the permission of polygamy is conditional on the observance of several factors and circumstances.

If the man lacks those material and moral conditions, or he is not competent enough to satisfy all of them, then he will not be eligible to take more than one wife.

Also, Islam has emphasized that the basic objective of healthy marital life comes from mutual love and benevolence between the husband and the wife which normally can be found in the form of regular marriage - monogamy.

Preservation of that cordiality, stability, and purity in the family life can be seen clearly in the Quranic doctrines as well as in the tradition of the prophet (p.b.u.h):

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Islam on war.......

This is an article that i stumbled upon that i would wish to share and it is a beneficial information for us muslim and non muslim.
But please be clear that I'm not in any way encouraging war in any sense.

Question and Answer Details

Name of Questioner

Hartman - Germany


War Ethics in Islam


I am not a Muslim. Yet I’m a peace-loving person and I am eager to know whether there are ethics that govern war in your religion, especially as we know and see what happens nowadays: gross violations of all ethics and teachings. Your earliest response will be very much appreciated.



Name of Counsellor

IOL Shari`ah Researchers


Relations during War


In The Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Dear brother in humanity, thank you very much for having confidence in us, and we hope our efforts, which are purely for Allah's Sake, meet your expectations.

First of all, we would like to tell you that war is decreed in Islam in self defense. This indicates that aim behind war is to ward off aggression not to impose Islam as a religion. Referring to this, Allah Almighty says: “To those against whom war is made, permission is given (to fight), because they are wronged; and verily God is most powerful for their aid.” (Al-Hajj:39)

Turning to the main topic of the question concerning war ethics in Islam, we would like to develop the whole issue while dealing with the following main points:

1-Personal Behavior of the Troops:

In war, as it is in peace, the instructions of Islam are to be observed. Worship does not cease in war. Islamic jurisprudence maintains that whatever is prohibited during peace is also prohibited during war. War is no excuse to be lenient with misbehaving troops. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, is reported to have said: “Beware of the prayer of the oppressed; for there is no barrier between it and Allah.” Here, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, differentiates between the oppressed believers and non-believers.

2-Whom to Fight:

Fighting should be directed only against fighting troops, and not to non- fighting personnel, and this is in compliance with the Qur’anic verse that reads: “ Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! Allah loveth not, aggressors.” (Al-Baqarah: 190)

In one of the battles, a woman was found killed, and this was denounced by the Prophet saying "She did not fight" This will be further detailed under the instructions given to the armies and their commanding chiefs by the Prophet and his Caliphs.

3-The Prophet's instructions to Commanding Chiefs:

The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, used to instruct his commanding chiefs saying: “Fight in the cause of Allah. Fight those who deny Allah; Do not be embittered. Do not be treacherous. Do not mutilate. Do not kill children or those (people) in convents.”

4-Abu-Bakr's instructions to Usama's Campaign on Syria:

“Do not betray or be treacherous or vindictive. Do not mutilate. Do not kill the children, the aged or the women. Do not cut or bum palm trees or fruitful trees. Don’t slay a sheep, a cow or camel except for your food. And you will come across people who confined themselves to worship in hermitages, leave them alone to what they devoted themselves for.”

5-Abu-Bakr's Instructions to Yazid ibn-Abi Sufian:

“I give you ten commandments: don’t kill a woman or a child or an old person, and don’t cut trees or ruin dwellings or slay a sheep but for food. Dont burn palm trees or drown them. And don’t be spiteful or unjust.”

6-Maintaining Justice and Avoidance of Blind Retaliation:

None can be more illustrative in this respect than the words of the Qurt’an. Allah Almighty says: “ O ye who believe! Be steadfast witnesses for Allah in equity, and let not hatred of any people seduce you that ye deal not justly. Deal justly, that is nearer to your duty. Observe your duty to Allah. Lo! Allah is Informed of what ye do.” (Al-Maidah: 8)

7-Medical and Nursing Services:

From the early days of Islam the sanctity of the medical profession was recognized. Christian and Jewish doctors were employed by the Islamic state since the days of the Umayyads, and some of them were even court and personal physicians to caliphs. Under the tolerant attitude of Islam, some of them got the chance to unfold their full scientific potential and thus contributed to the progress of medical knowledge.

Medical help was a right to all men in spite of religion or creed. That this was also extended to those amongst enemy. An example well known in the West is that of Saladin securing medical help to his opponent, Richard Lion Heart of England who was seriously ill during the Crusades. Saladin sent him his own doctor and personally supervised Richard's treatment until he became well.

In quoting this particular example, one dare say that such an attitude was quite different to the behavior characterizing the invading crusaders. When the crusaders entered Jerusalem on July 15th 1099, they slaughtered seventy thousand Muslims including women, children and old men. They broke children's skulls by knocking against the wall, threw babies from roof tops, roasted men over fire and cut up women's bellies to see if they had swallowed gold.

This description was given by Gibbon, a Christian writer, and commented on by Ludbig Wbo wondered how come after those horrible atrocities they prayed at the burial place of Christ for blessing and forgiveness (Draper/History of the Intellectual Development of Europe, Vol. 2, p. 77).

We do not mention this in bitterness or prejudice for every honest Muslim or Christian well knows that Christianity is something and many deeds of the crusaders are something else.

8-Prisoners of War:

For the first time in religious or sectarian history, Islam adopted an attitude of mercy and caring for the captured enemy. Unprecedented by previous legal systems, and long before the Geneva Convention, Islam set the rule that the captive is sheltered by his captivity and the wounded by his injury.

Previously, it was the custom for the captive to work for his food or get it through private means. The Qur’an made it a charity to feed the prisoners saying:

“Lo! the righteous shall drink of a cup whereof the mixture is of water of Kafur. A spring wherefrom the slaves of Allah drink, making it gush forth abundantly. Because they perform the vow and fear a day whereof the evil is wide spreading. And feed with food the needy wretch, the orphan and the prisoner, for love of Him. (Saying): We feed you, for the sake of Allah only. We wish for no reward nor thanks from you.” (Al-Insan: 5-9)

The Prophet instructed his Companions to be good to the captives. In one of his traditions, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, ordered his Companions saying: “ You should be good to the captives.”

Abu Aziz-ibn Umair, one of the captives of Badr battle, recalls:

“Whenever I sat with my captors for lunch or dinner, they would offer me the bread and themselves the dates, in view of the Prophet's recommendation in our favor (in that desert situation bread was the more luxurious item of food than dates)

As soon as any of them held a piece of bread, he would offer it to me. "Feeling shy, I would give it back to one of them but he would immediately return it to me."

Another, Thumama ibn-Athal, was taken prisoner and brought to the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, who said: “Be good to him in his captivity.” When the Prophet went home he instructed to collect whatever food there, and ordered it sent to the prisoner.

When the Jewish tribe of Bani Qurayzah were captured, loads of dates were regularly carried to them, with the Prophet's instructions to shelter them from the summer sun and to provide them with water to drink.

From the legal point of view, Muslim opinion is unanimous on the prohibition of subjecting the captives to ill treatment by withholding food, drink or clothing.

9-The Fate of War Prisoners:

This was based upon the teaching of the Qur’an:

“Now when ye meet in battle those who disbelieve, then it is smiting of the necks until, when ye have routed them, then making fast of bonds; and afterward either grace or ransom till the war lay down its burdens. That (is the ordinance). And if Allah willed He could have punished them (without you) but (thus it is ordained) that He may try some of you by means of others. And those who are slain in the way of Allah, He rendereth not their actions vain.” (Muhammad: 4)

According to Islamic law, the captive belongs to the state and not to his captor. The ruler has the ultimate option, as he sees fit, of granting freedom or doing that after taking a ransom.

Among those whom the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, granted freedom was a poet called Abu-Azza who said to the Prophet: “I have five daughters who have no one to support them, so give me away to them as a charity and I promise never to fight you or help your enemies.

Abul-As Ibn Al Rabiae was freed for a ransom, which the Prophet later returned back to him. Later, the man embraced Islam.

Umarna Ibn-Athal was set free upon his promise not to provide the enemy with food. This gentle treatment touched the man’s heart and was then converted to Islam saying to the Prophet: "There was a time when your face was the most hated face to me, and there comes a day when it is the most loved.”

Sometimes captives were exchanged for Muslim captives in enemy hands. An acceptable ransom that was quite often carried out was to teach ten Muslim children to read and write. It is noteworthy that modern international law allows for setting free a prisoner of war on equivalent lines.

Personnel were set free upon their word of honor not to fight again, and they should not be ordered by their governments to go to battle again. If they break their promise, they might be punishable by death if they are captured again.


Islam never fought nations but fought only despotic authorities. Islamic war was one of liberation and not of compulsion. The freedom of the liberated people to decide their religion has already been mentioned, and it was to ensure this freedom that Muslims fought. It is interesting to mention that when Muslims fought the Romans in Egypt, the Egyptian Copts sided with and helped Muslims against the Romans who were Christians like them. This was because Christian Egypt was suffering religious oppression by the Christian Romans to compel them to adopt their religious beliefs.

One of the earliest actions of the Muslims in Egypt was the assurance of religious freedom and the reinstatement of Bejamin as Bishop of Alexandria after years of hiding from the Romans in the western desert.

But religious freedom was but one aspect that Islam gave. Whether Arab or Egyptian, Muslim or Christian, Islam built up that FELLOWSHIP that humanity aspires to, in equality and fraternity .The story is well known of the running contest held in Egypt and won by an Egyptian to the dismay of an Arab competitor who was the son of `Amru Ibn Al-`Aas, governor of Egypt. The Arab hit the boy saying 'how dare you outrun me and I am the son of the nobility." Upon which Umar, the caliph, ordered the three all the way to Madinah, and ordered the Egyptian to avenge by hitting the offending Arab, saying: "Hit him back. Hit the son of nobility." Addressing `Amru, he uttered his famous saying: “O `Amru, since when have you enslaved people while their mothers have born them free.”

10-International Law:

The process of active intervention to stop or remove aggression is a development that modem international law has recognized.

The second world war for example was sparked by Germany's invasion of Poland, and drew into the fighting countries that were not direct parties to the conflict. One of the fruits of war was the creation of the United Nations in order to settle disputes between nations by peaceful means or indeed if necessary by a collective military force. No one should argue therefore that Egypt and the Roman Empire for example should have been left alone to solve their mutual problems. In modem times the rest of the family of nations consider it a duty to do something about it. Fourteen centuries prior to the establishment of the League of Nations and later the United Nations, Islam decreed such responsibility.

The legal principle of intervention to solve dispute was offered by the Qur’anic saying:

“If two parties of believers fall into a quarrel, make ye peace between them: But if one of them transgresses beyond bounds against the other, then fight ye (all) against the one that transgresses until it complies with the command of God; but if it complies, then make peace between them with justice, and be fair: for God loves those who are fair.” (Al-Hujurat: 9)

11-Respect of Treaties and Agreements:

One of the major shortcomings of modern international politics is its meager regard to moral obligation. Time and again, treaties and agreements proved unworthy of the price of paper they had been written on. The most splendid produce of the human intellect in the field of international law might instantly vanish upon the call of greed or creed at this age that we wish to think has brought us to the epic of civilization.

And what is worse is that the most sophisticated achievements of scientific progress are often used as tools in the hands of Godless or God-disregarding policies: instead of being exploited 'in the cause of God.’

From the outset, Islam has emphatically prohibited treachery by taking the enemy by surprise attack. Recent examples of signing a pact or treaty with a nation as camouflage to hidden intent to attack it are quite contrary to Islam, as several quotations from the Qur’an reads:

“ O ye who believe! Fulfil your undertakings…”(Al-Maidah:1)

“Fulfill the convenant of God when you have entered into it, and break not your oaths after you have confirmed them; indeed you have made God your surety, for God knoweth an that you do.” (An-Nahl: 91)

If Muslims sense the treachery of any enemy with whom they had a treaty, they should declare to him the annulment of that treaty before embarking on war again.

“Thou fearest treachery from any group, throw back (their covenant) to them, (so as to be) on equal terms: for God loveth not the treacherous.” (Al-Anfal:85)

Although Muslims are bound to go to the help of their Muslim brethren who are religiously persecuted in the land of an enemy; they are not allowed to fulfill this duty if there is a treaty between the Muslim community and this enemy. Priority goes to honouring the treaty.

“But if they seek your aid in religion, it is your duty to help them, except against a people with whom you have a treaty of mutual alliance. And (remember) God seeth an that you do." (Al-Anfal:72)

Now, Can any law be more idealistic!?

And above all, this is not a nicety to be taken or left by the state. It is a binding religious dictate overruling emotion and prejudice: otherwise it would be a grave violation of Islam.”

The above quotation is excerpted with slight modifications from

You can also read:

Islam’s Stance on Prisoners of War

If you have any further comments, please don't hesitate to write back!

May Allah guide you to the straight path, and guide you to that which pleases Him, Amen.

Allah Almighty knows best.

P.S.: So do you think that the way war fought today is according to the Islamic teaching?

P.P.S.: Taken from

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Why is Polygamy allowed?

Erm as a muslim myself i wonder why is polygamy allowed.....
so in search for answer i did my homework of researching and goggling.....
this is what i found out......

Rights and Limits

First of all, it is important for us to keep in mind that Islam came to establish two very important fundamentals for human beings:

Rights and Limits.

Everyone and everything has certain rights given to it by the Creator and Sustainer of the universe (Allah). At the same time, each creation has its own limitations established by Allah.

First Right - Allah has the right to be worshipped without making partners from what He has created. Direct worship to Him, alone.

Second Right - Prophet's right to be followed according to his teaching and commandments.

Third Right - Parents rights to be honored and cared for, with special emphasis on the mother first.

Fourth Right - Wives and Husbands have rights on each other.

Women's Right - Best Treatment

Almost every society supported the concept of a man having more than one woman. Yet, they did not limit the number nor did they provide the protection and maintenance that Islam insists on for each one. Islam came to set things straight. Women were given rights. Men were strictly ordered to treat their women with the very best of treatment.

Limit - Number in Marriage

When the verse was revealed the companions of Muhammad, peace be upon him, did not run out with the attitude that they were going to get four wives all of a sudden. Some of them already had much more than that and these men had to divorce their wives, if they had more than four. So this was not an order to go out and get four wives. It was an order to begin limitations. And the first limitation was; No more than four.

Limit - Equal Maintenance and Treatment

Second, the limitation of equal treatment for all of them. How could a man keep more than one wife unless he was exceedingly wealthy and/or exceedingly strong and virile?

Next, the limitation very clearly states; ".. but if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly (with them) then only one ..."

Women Need Husbands - Allah Provided the Answer

The prophet, peace be upon him, predicted that in the Last Days the women would outnumber the men to a great extent. Today we are seeing this become a reality all over the world. Allah has already provided for us for this occasion. After all, He is the One who makes it all happen and He already knew that many women would come into Islam in these days. He also knew many of the Muslim men would be killed or die at an early age, just as it is happening these days. These women all need husbands. Allah has given us the solution to all of life's problems.

In general, Polygamy is not allowed if it will become a destructive behavior and carelessness. And the husband who is misusing it, he is basically misusing the law. In such case, the impious human is the problem not the law itself.

You know if you have any question about your religion, don't be afraid to learn about it.
Ask around but make sure you go to the right resources in order to get the right answer.

P.S. : Did you guyz know that this research actually enhance my knowledge in my religion and strengthen my belief in it.

P.P.S.: If there is anything that i have mistakenly post please let me know.....I'm still learning and need to be corrected if wrong.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Bar council forum on Memeluk Islam......

erm "another" hot issue in Malaysia......

Why do so many people apposed to the idea????
Do we really need to have that demonstration?
Does it reflects the true colour of ISLAM?
I've known Islam to be a very beautiful religion but what i saw was not pretty at all.
It was scary.
Please don't give Islam a bad name.
Love it and reflect it in our everyday life and in our attitude.
Be rational and civilized.

I've read many articles saying that the forum will touch on the sensitive issues and that it will question the constitution.
Some says that it should only be done between the bar council and the related party involved and not in a open forum.
Why do you make it seem like Islam is rigid?
It is not at all.

Why do we need this hush hush kind of a way when discussing about Islam.
Yes, in this country Islam has its own level and status that should not be questioned.
But I think that such forum would be an advantage to Islam rather than a disadvantage.

Islam is whole and complete.
There are solution for everything in Islam that are relevant no matter what century you live in.
Be it in the olden days or in the next future.
You just need to study Islam further to acquire the knowledge provided to you by ALLAH s.w.t.
We even have our own scholar to turn to for that matter of fact.
Just put one of our respected scholar in that forum and justice will be done.

One of my favourite Muslim scholar are the late Sheikh Ahmed Hussein Deedat and Zakir Abdul Karim Naik.
But of course, there are other muslim scholar that are as reputable as them.

Whether you want to agree with Islam or not, its up to you.
Islam have shown you the way and given you choice.
Now its up to you to make the correct choice in life.

P.S.: Whatever religion you, comprehend, rationalised and follow it. A true religion will bring goodness to you than it will harm you.

P.P.S: There is no force to convert to Islam. Pick up a Quran together with its translation, read it and you will see the beauty. Don't judge a book by it cover, literally.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Frico frico frico

I usually don't like to complain about products online like this because of the not so good consequences that the other related party will get...

But in this case and more to come in the future, I will just write what my heart screams....

Well my parents bought the convection stove and microwave from them that cost them RM 6000++++.....

Which is not cheap, for a not so famous brand....

Both of the appliances had some quite major product defects after used....

which should not normally occur to normal kitchen appliances...

the microwave door melted after normal usage by normal people.......which is weird....
so fine we call them to fix the problem and it take them ages or even centuries to return back the bloody thing,,,,

now the oven setting did not work properly but we just couldn't bother to send it fix....

the convection stove is not a superb thing also, its first problem is when it suddenly emitted smoke while using it....also send it to them and of course after a few centuries, we got it back....

now it did it again....and it send an electric shock that spoil the main plug...we are still considering whether or not to send it fix...

Well that exactly what you got when you buy a not so famous brand(not always though because
there are lots out there that works just fine, couldn't think of any now)

But the thing here is that when it works, both the appliances are ok not great just so-so.....maybe the major problem here is the after sales services provided is so damn lousy/bad/atrocious

Damn Car Headlight

Yeah damn all the car using the bloody blinding headlights...........

this xenon and halogen headlights are one of those invention that should be properly monitored....

If not it will fall into hands of idiots that don't know how to use it properly....

Hey seriously, be considerate to other road me....

how can i drive my car properly without hitting or bumping into other cars when the blinding lights hit my eyes and totally steal my ability to see....

Obviously those guys have no brain and heart to think of the consequences.....

Should really just drive around in a bulldozer and just bulldozed them off the road....

For everyone's sake....


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